As our priority is an open and individual approach to all our customers, whether end customers, companies or institutions, we offer the option to cooperate on an advisory and business basis or to collaborate on the development and testing of new products.
Do you have any questions regarding our product range or chemical or bio-enzymatic products? Are you unsure on how a specific product should be used, how it works or how it is manufactured? Do you have a problem with cleaning the water in your tank, pool or pond? Contact us: we not only sell products, we also provide expert advisory services.
Expert advisory services
As an expert advisor, PROXIM assists operators of public indoor and open-air swimming pools or wellness centres to meet the applicable strict legislative requirements. We are experts in the transport, storage and handling of chemicals and chemical products. We also provide useful advice on garden pool or pond maintenance. For this purpose, we have launched a web portal for our actual or potential customers at
Eliminating Cyanobacteria
‘Právo’ daily: tests of our bio pond cleaner at the Skalka Dam may be found here. The product by the manufacturer from Pardubice eliminated 80% of cyanobacteria during pilot experiments carried out at the Skalka Dam near Cheb.